Highlife musician, Kuami Eugene made unfounded charges against the Ghanaian musical duo Keche’s “No Dulling” song, which they have rejected.
Keche have clarified that, contrary to popular belief, Kuami Eugene did not write their hit song “No Dulling.”
Since they first gained notoriety more than 10 years ago, no one, the group claims, has ever created a song specifically for them.
The “hottest” musician in Ghana at the time, Kuami Eugene, and Keche worked together in 2020 to create the smash song “No Dulling,” which won a VGMA.
For some time now, Kuami Eugene has said in interviews that the song was originally his, but he ultimately opted to give it to the group.
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However, Kuami Eugene lied about the song, according to Keche, who also claimed that they wrote it before approaching him for a collaboration. This was revealed in an interview with Ghanaian blogger Zion Felix.
Keche Andrew explained the history of the song and their collaboration.
Andrew was the author. Keche has never had a song made for him. The song No Dulling is by Keche. Eugene Kuami went and sat down somewhere and claimed to have written the song for us. Is Kuami Eugene a rapper?” asked Keche Joshua.
Read Also: Kuami Eugene stole my ‘One corner’ song for his ‘Fire fire’ song – Patapaa
“We requested cooperation. He suggested that we utilize a new beat after Joshua sent him the song. I wrote my verse and the chorus as soon as he provided the beat. He requested that the rhythm be given to him and invited us to his studio. So, we all traveled there.
“When we got there, he said the beat was crazy, so he has already done something on the beat. But I told him I had already written my chorus. We listened to his and listened to mine. We loved the two and we sat down to plan which chorus we should use and we finally agreed to use my verse and use his chorus,” Andrew clarified.
The music duo claim they haven’t spoken to the “single” hitmaker since he began making these assertions, even though they are still cool with him.
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