Kuami Eugene’s girlfriend accused me of sleeping with him – Mary

Kuami Eugene's girlfried accused me of sleeping with him - Mary

The former housekeeper of Kuami Eugene is going on a media interview binge, divulging details about her stay at the musician’s home that had never been known before.

In an interview with Der Mad King, Mary revealed to him that Kuami Eugene’s girlfriend was a major factor in her leaving, which ultimately led to their falling out and her being fired.

Mary went so far as to say that she had video evidence on her phone to back up her allegation that the woman had accused her of having an affair with Kuami Eugene.

Also Read: I used to collapse at Kuami Eugene’s house – Ex-house help reveals

It’s important to note that Eugene had previously stated in an interview with Delay that Mary had been hired by his girlfriend to help with household chores and other duties.

The “Monica” hitmaker went on to say that Mary and his mother had a good rapport, and that their relationship had grown very close.

“Kuami Eugene’s girlfriend said she’s got evidence that I have been sleeping with him. She said she has video evidence, her friends were also saying same,” Mary told the interviewer.

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