Hajia Bintu begs for forgiveness after advertising charm products online


Due to the things she promoted to the ladies, Hajia Bintu has spent the last few hours on Twitter’s top trending tab.

In a video she posted online, she can be seen promoting a substance that, in her opinion, can control males when applied to women’s foreheads and other body areas.

She claimed that all of these items, including those with the names “Fuk and Stay,” “Do As I Want,” “Love and Stay,” and others, would assist women in manipulating men to acquire what they want.

Also Read: Hajia Bintu now sells charms to attract sugar daddies and snatch husbands

She ended up in a terrible problem as a result of being roundly criticized for promoting charm items to women, which have a significant impact in destroying families.

The socialite, who formerly claimed that she works hard to pay for her opulent lifestyle, has completely disappointed social media fans who have seen the video.

Hajia Bintu has apologized after Ghanaians criticized her for endorsing charm goods that promised to help women find, seduce, and keep spouses and sugar daddies.

Bintu expressed her regret to anyone who the advertisement may have offended in a post that was shared on her Snapchat story.

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She genuinely apologizes for having failed to fully investigate the impact of selling the product a vendor provided to her. She acknowledged this and the management team.

See her post below:

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