Arrest persons still charging outrageous prices – Abeiku Santana to authorities

Abeiku Santana, a popular media personality, wants the authorities to arrest persons and institutions that continue to charge exorbitant prices for goods and services despite the depreciating value of the US dollar.

He believed that since the rise of the dollar initially had an impact on market prices, prices should drop when the currency falls.

On his radio show on Okay101.7fm, he urged the authorities to begin apprehending people who continue to charge outrageous charges.

“I’m pleading with the Bulk Oil Distributors. The dollar’s value has declined so pls reduce the prices of your fuel. Oil marketing companies should also reduce their prices. Just as the dollar is declining every day, you need to also reduce your prices every day.

Drivers and transport operators who have increased their prices, now the dollar is going down, it’s time to cut down your prices.

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The police also need to start arresting those who are still charging outrageous prices.”

“The worse of all is the fact that at the Ports and Harbours, the exchange rate is still GHC15.000 or sometimes GHC14.00 against the dollar despite the decline in the US currency,” Abeiku Santana added.

The US dollar is now trading against the cedi at a buying price of 11.4943 and a selling price of 11.5058 as of today, December 13, 2022.

Prior to a few weeks, the dollar was initially selling for GHC14.000.

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Ghanaians anticipated that market prices, which were first impacted by the US currency’s surge, would reflect the reduction in its value once it fell in value.
Despite this evolution, pricing have stayed the same.

Despite the drop in fuel prices, even the Ghana Private Roads Transport Union (GPRTU) resisted cutting transportation costs.

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