Another suspected gay mobbed at Nima

Following another claimed vicious beating of another ‘victim’ in Nima this weekend that left him nearly blind in one eye, the situation of suspected gays in the nearby Nima, New Town, Kotobabi, Maamobi, Pig Farm, and Alajo neighborhoods of Accra is becoming more and more concerning.

Last week Saturday, at a birthday party in the predominately Muslim neighborhood, Jamal Mumuni was allegedly captured on camera allegedly kissing and fondling another man in a nearby isolated area.

Gay mobbed at Nima

Despite knowing him well, the irate crowd nonetheless gave him its usual brand of swift justice.

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Someone allegedly went to relieve themselves in a corner, spotted the two men there, and instantly sounded the alarm as they approached and attempted to reason with him.

The partygoers raced to the scene in large numbers, forgot about their music and revelry, and started beating the two up right away.

Many others watched the violent act against Mumuni and his “accomplice” as it was being carried out in the early hours of the morning.

They are said to have beaten Mumuni and his supposed “girlfriend” until they were nearly dead before realizing they might have murdered them. The audience scattered in all directions out of dread.

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When it became obvious that Jamal’s eyes were not opening, his brother, who was also at the party, quickly hired a cab to take the two to a local clinic for much-needed medical attention.

At the clinic, the doctors made the diagnosis that one of his eyes had been severely damaged and might require surgery to function normally once again.

The pain he may be experiencing in the eyes could be felt by those around him as the eyes could not open as normally, so it was obvious that one of them was badly affected.

“We know as a society homosexuality is frowned upon and a taboo but the extent to which these guys are getting overzealous is not healthy at all.

All they need to hear is an allegation that somebody is gay then they just pounce him, it’s not fair because there are always two sides to a story,” an eyewitness said of what she described as horror scenes.

A quick investigation by the author showed that Mumuni’s family is scrambling to raise the money required to get him the proper medical care in order to save him from losing his sight entirely in one eye.

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The issue of whether or not a legislation should be passed to make it illegal for anyone participating in such acts to exist is one that both supporters and detractors of LGBTQ+ rights in Ghana are adamantly debating.

However, Ghanaians continue to “treat” suspected gays and other LGBTQ+ suspects as criminals by beating them in the mob justice style, frequently putting them in dangerous situations like Jamal Mumuni’s.

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