Ahuofe Patri reveals why she hasn’t attended church for 7 years now

Ahuofe Patri, a Ghanaian actress and model, has openly admitted that she hasn’t attended church for seven years and counting.

The actress asserted during a Kingdom FM interview that pastors are now able to make money off of the church.

She also bemoaned the way pastors treated members of the congregation who gave more in the offertory than the less wealthy, saying that as a result, the church had become a place where favoritism was openly displayed.

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She stated: “I haven’t gone to church in a very long time. Since at least seven years ago, I haven’t attended church.”

The church is the place to go if you want to see favoritism and commit a lot of sins.

She continued, “In addition, if you don’t give, nobody wants to talk to you. Any money they raise receives the largest donation from the king. She said, “I don’t like attending to church because of things like that.”

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Ahoufe Patri claims she still has a strong relationship with God despite the fact that she quit attending church. She routinely fasts and prays for her necessities.

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