You can look at a woman’s leg to tell the size of her toto

You can look at a woman's leg to tell the size of her toto

A marriage and sekx counsellor identified as Rev. Daniel Annan is of the view that looking at a female’s leg can tell you the size of her v@gina.

Sharing his thought on the topic of ‘How to have good sex’, he mentioned that for one to enjoy the sex they need to know themselves very well.

According to him, there are four (4) types of tonga and it would take an expert like him to identify all the types without any issue or trouble.

He continued by saying that he could just look at the leg of a lady and tell the size of her tonga whether its big or small.

He said, “You can have very good sex only when you know yourself. So what is your vagina size…you know there are four types and I can look at your leg and determine it”.


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