Meet Sexy Juicee the Ghanaian musician set to take over the music scene

Meet Sexy Juicee the Ghanaian musician set to take over the music scene

US-based Ghanaian musician Sexy Juicee born Esther Dzamesi has been tipped as the new star to take the music industry to another level.

Over the years, the Ghanaian music scene has seen the emergence of top female musicians like late Ebony, Wendy Shay, Lousika to name a few.

Sexy Juicee in 2023 was the talk of the town after her energetic performance at the US edition of the Ghana music Awards.

Despite not been an old-gee in the game, Sexy Juicee managed to get the crowd on their feet to jump to her music.

In the same year, she emerged as the ‘Scheme Artiste of the Year’ at the Ghana Music awards.

Its 2024 and she has partnered actress turn musician Yaa Jackson to release a banger titled ‘Anaconda’.

Though the song is not yet out for the public, fans are eagerly waiting to hear it and with her ‘naughty’ nature and that of Yaa Jackson, music lovers would have something to talk about when the song is finally released in the coming days.

Currently the two are on set shooting the music video and trust us you wouldn’t want to miss it.

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