Indicators your partner is mistreating you, yet you mistake it for love

Indicators your partner is mistreating you, yet you mistake it for love

It’s critical to recognize warning signs of abuse in relationships, even when they appear to be based on love.

These are five easy indicators to watch out for:

Controlling Behavior:

It’s possible that your partner doesn’t really care about you if they try to control what you do, who you see, or where you go.

Even though they may claim that all they’re doing is trying to keep you safe, it’s still important for you to be free to choose for yourself.

Manipulative Love

Love can be used as a tool by partners to achieve their goals.

They might be extremely kind to you when they want something, or they might threaten to leave you if you don’t follow their instructions.

You might feel pressured to comply with their wishes in order to maintain their love as a result.

Emotional Tricks

A form of maltreatment is when someone plays with your emotions.

Your partner may cast doubt on your feelings and thoughts, make you feel horrible about yourself, or make you believe that you are to blame for everything.

It’s critical to keep in mind that you have the right to feel good about yourself and that your emotions count.

Apology Cycles

After mistreating you, your partner may offer an apology and a guarantee that it won’t happen again.

However, it occurs once more, and the cycle keeps going. It resembles an unending circle of maltreatment and excuses.

You might feel helpless and unclear of what to do as a result.

Intense Affection

Early in a relationship, partners may show you an excessive amount of love and affection.

Although it might feel great, this could be a quick way for you to become reliant on them.

Their behavior may change once they’ve got you hooked, and you may come to the conclusion that it wasn’t true love after all.

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