Hajia4Real sentenced to 1 year 1 day in prison

Grid of Hajia4Real

Socialite Hajia4Real has finally known her stance after she was sentenced today to 1 year 1 day in prison.

Her sentence comes after 37 months of painstaking investigation about her involvement in a romance scam and other fraud related issues.

Mona4Reall pleaded guilty to conspiracy to receive stolen money in Manhattan Federal Court on February 21.

According to Federal authorities, she controlled bank accounts that received over $2 million in fraudulent funds from the scheme.

Earlier this week she snitched on her baby daddy identified as Loveman Allison as the one who introduced her to fraud.

Information available has it that Loveman is set to take the stand to defend himself against the allegation levelled against him.

That being said Hajia4Reall is going to be spend the next 1 year behind bars.

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