Bongo Ideas angrily reacts to Elon Musk’s $8 Twitter verification fee

Outspoken Ghanaian blogger Bongo Ideas has drawn criticism for his remarks over Elon Musk’s $8 Twitter verification fee.

Twitter said that it will start charging users $8 per month so that their profiles can display a verification checkmark.

This new policy was initiated by Twitter’s new owner, Elon Musk, an American billionaire, who recently purchased the bird app for a whooping amount of $44 billion deal.

Some verified tweeps on Twitter lamented about the new policy but to no avail.
Albert Nat Hyde, with the Twitter username ‘@BongoIdeas’, a young Ghanaian blogger, known for his controversial outspoken criticism, has criticized the world richest man over such policy.

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According to Bongo, he has gained enough notability and therefore won’t pay $8 monthly for just a blue check mark.

Bring back the old method of verification” He boldly told Elon Musk.

Checkout the screenshot below:

Elon Musk

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